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■電子郵件:xiachao@giga.net.tw ■機關網站:http://www.xiachao.org.tw


Japan Shirks Its Historical Responsibility




We want to tell the world
Japan shirks its historical responsibility


This is the first time that Taiwan aborigines have come to the United Nations. Most of the members of our delegation had never left Taiwan until this year. The first time they left Taiwan was to go to Japan to protest against the Yasukuni Shrine, insisting that "We are not Japanese! We are the victims of Japanese war crimes!" This voyage across the vast Pacific Ocean to the United Nations is the second time those people have left Taiwan. We want to tell the whole world, that a Japan that is unable to truly regret its war crimes is unable to uphold world peace.


No one can stop us from telling the historical truth


In June of this year, before attending the final legal debate in the case they brought against the Japanese government accusing it of violating the constitution, the "Return the Souls of our Forebears" delegation went to protest at the Yasukuni Shrine. Regrettably, the Japanese government and Yasukuni Shrine personnel blocked the delegation 300 meters from the shrine and even confined us in the bus. The delegation did not even catch sight of the outer gate of the shrine! So this time we are coming to the United Nations to tell the world a historical truth: "Japan shirks its historical responsibility!". We believe this time we will not be blocked, and no one can stop us from telling the historical truth!

當年出書炫燿戰功 如今成為犯罪鐵證

The "splendid military exploits" of yesteryear are now cast-iron proof of war crimes


We have brought with us two old books that record two military campaigns waged in 1913 and 1914 by the Japanese army against Taiwan's Aboriginal tribes. The Japanese army employed a strategy of "burn all, seize all, kill all" against the Aborigines who were resisting the invaders. A Japanese military photographic team followed the fighting, compiled its photographs into these "Pictorial Albums of the Punitive Expedition" and submitted them to the Japanese war ministry as evidence of the army's "great military achievements". Now these same albums serve as undeniable proof of the Japanese army's war crimes.


Japanese militarism’s crimes of state violence against Taiwan's Aborigines


The crimes of Japanese militarism in subjugating Taiwan's Aborigines were by no means confined to the above. During the 50 years following Japan's invasion of Taiwan in 1895, the Japanese colonial regime committed the following heinous crimes of planned state violence against Taiwan's Aborigines:


1. Violent annexation and occupation of Taiwan (Formosa).
2. Seizure of Aboriginal lands under the guise of nationalization.
3. Suppression of Aboriginal tribes with a policy of "kill all, seize all, burn all".
4. Exclusion of Aborigines from the legal system.
5. Forcible subjection of Aborigines to police rule.
6. Forcible suppression of Aboriginal culture.
7. Enslavement of Aborigines through forced labor.
8. Sexual enslavement of Aboriginal women.


Shirking historical responsibility is the first step on the path to militarist revival


The Second World War ended 60 years ago, but the violence Japanese militarists inflicted on Taiwan's Aborigines has not ceased. The "fallen combatants of the Takasago Volunteers" were forcibly conscripted by the colonial regime to die as canon fodder on the battlefield, but today their souls must still suffer the indignity of having their memorial tablets placed alongside those of Class-A war criminals in the Yasukuni Shrine! By putting the victims and the perpetrators together in the same place, the Japanese militarists are using the Yasukuni Shrine to perpetually enslave the Aborigine's souls. In recent years, Japanese extreme right-wing groups have been using the lure of free trips to solicit Taiwanese Aborigines to visit the Yasukuni Shrine. The purpose of this trickery is to deny Japan's historical guilt and to falsely portray Taiwanese Aborigines as "pro-Japanese".

面對歷史 反省!道歉!賠償!

Face up to history!
Show true remorse! Apologize and compensate!


Comparing the attitudes of the Japanese and German government and public in the post-war years, we observe an important reality - that Japan still denies its guilt and refuses to admit its responsibility for starting the war! We firmly believe that a Japan that is unable to question its past is unable to uphold world peace, and a Japan that denies its war guilt cannot claim to be civilized! We strongly demand of Japan: Show true remorse! Apologize and compensate!

Reflections on historical tragedy


明治維新 7,751 西南戦争 6,971
日清戦争 13,619 台湾征討 1,130
北清事変 1,256 日露戦争 88,429
第一次世界大戦 4,850 済南事変 185
満洲事変 17,176 支那事変 191,250

大東亜戦争 2,133,915 合計 2,466,532




The most disastrous loss of life in Japanese history

A sign in the Yasukuni Shrine tells us how many of the soldiers remembered in the shrine died in each of 11 wars - a total of 2,466,532 souls. Of the 11 wars listed, only the Meiji Restoration and the South-West war were internal wars of Japan. The other nine wars were all fought overseas. Japan's nine overseas wars took place over a period of more than fifty years and resulted in the deaths of 2,451,810 Japanese soldiers, sailors and airmen. That is a stunning figure. Over two million lives lost in half a century - a tragic and irreparable loss - the greatest loss of life in the history of Japan.




A great and tragic human calamity!

The sign at the Yasukuni Shrine gives the number of Japanese soldiers who fell in the "Taiwan Punitive Expedition" as 1,130. During its invasion and 51-year occupation of Taiwan, Japan launced 160 military actions against Taiwan's Aborigines. Its policy and tactics in so doing were "kill all, seize all, burn all." In those 51 years, more than 600,000 Taiwanese people, including large numbers of Aborigines, were killed. 1,130 Japanese deaths compared to 600,000 Taiwanese - a human tragedy indeed!

In a little over half a century, Japan lost 2,451,810 soldiers in the course of nine overseas wars. But in the surrounding countries that Japan invaded, more than 50 million soldiers and civilians lost their lives. It was indeed the greatest calamity in human history!


1946年東京「遠東國際法庭」展開三年的調查與審判,對5000多名舊日本軍人和政府關係者進行了起訴,分為A、B、C三級戰犯。「遠東國際法庭」審判發動戰爭的A級戰犯28人,其中 7名死刑,21名有期無期徒刑,其餘則是在戰爭中虐待戰俘屠殺平民的B、C級戰犯。1959年靖國神社給B、C級戰犯設立了牌位,1978年給A級戰犯設立了牌位。至此,日本政府對於戰爭的反省完全流於空話。

Who was responsible for this calamity?

Held in Tokyo, the International Military Tribunal for the Far East commenced in 1946 and conducted its investigations and judgments over the next three years. 5,000 former Japanese soldiers and politicians were put on trial, divided into class A, B and C war criminals. 28 class A war criminals, responsible for launching the war, were put on trial. Seven of them were sentenced to death and 21 to life or lesser terms of imprisonment. The other defendants were charged as class B or C war criminals, responsible for abusing prisoners or slaughtering civilians in the course of the war. In 1959 the Yasukuni Shrine set up memorial tablets for the class B and C war criminals, and in 1978 it did the same for the class A war criminals. This act made empty words of the Japanese government's supposed reflection on its wartime actions.



How many post-war Japanese prime ministers have visited the Yasukuni Shrine?

Shigoru Yoshima, who served as Prime Minister between 1946 and 1954, visited the Yasukuni Shrine five times. Nobusuke Kishi, who served from 1957 to 1959, visited twice, Hiyato Ikeda (1960 to 1963) five times, Eisaku Sato (1964 to 1972) 11 times, Kakuei Tanaka (1972 to 1974) six times, Takeo Miki (1974 to 1976) three times, Takeo Fukuda (1976 to 1978) four times, Masayoshi Ohira (1978 to 1980) three times, Zenko Suzuki (1980 to 1982) eight times, Yasuhiro Nakasone (1982 to 1987) ten times and Ryutaro Hashimoto (1996 to 1998) once. The current Prime Minister, Junichiro Koizumi, has visited the shrine four times.




Should not the politicians of present-day Japan tread more carefully?

The war diary of arch war criminal Prime Minister Hideki Tojo reveals that he visited the Yasukuni Shrine about once every three days. "Yasukuni" means "peace in the empire, so "Yasukuni Jinja" (Yasukuni Shrine) means "shrine for establishing peace in the empire". Tojo went to wish for "peace in the empire" every three days, but he caused more than two million Japanese soldiers to lose their lives abroad, and plunged the lives of more than 50 million Asian people into an abyss of misery.

The sign at the Yasukuni Shrine gives us cause for deep reflection on the tragedy of history - on how the behavior of a bunch of politicians affected the lives and deaths of tens of millions of people. Should not the politicians of present-day Japan tread more carefully?

原住民族不是日本人 高砂義勇隊犧牲者不能當日本的神

Liberating Ancestral Souls through Action!
Taiwanese Aboriginal Have Never Been Japanese
Sacrificed “Takasago Volunteers” Shall Never Be Enshrined as Japanese Deities


This is the seventh journey to Japan within three years by Taiwanese Aboriginal to pronounce the “De-enshrinement of Sacrificed Takasoga Volunteers from the Yasukuni Shrine.” The group of 60 bereft members are from every Aboriginal tribes including Tao、Atayal、Truku、Kavalan、Amis、Puyuma、Paiwan、Rukai、Bunun…
Three years ago, families of the sacrificed “Takasago Volunteers” went to Tokyo to protest against Yasukuni Shrine, demanding de-enshrinement of “Takasago Volunteers.” Two years ago, we went to the Osaka District Court to press charges against the Japanese Government, Premier Koizumi and the Yasukuni Shrine with statement written explicitly that “Generations after generations of Taiwan’s Aboriginal shall come to Japan to reclaim dignity.”



Euphemism and Rhetoric of Colonialism Do Not Conceal Crimes Committed in the Past
Throughout Taiwan and Japan, we are all too familiar with theories like “under Japanese colonization, Taiwan had been ruled much more benignly than Korea and other Asian-Pacific countries; Japanese colonizers at least laid the foundation of modern industry in Taiwan.” Such an absurd false-logic of lesser of victimization, implicating benignity, simply does not white-wash the brutality of Japanese colonialism. Colonizing is outright marauding, euphemizing colonialism in order to shirk responsibility is not just an even more serious crime, it’s another humiliation to the dignity of Japan and the peace-loving Japanese people.
During the Japanese colonization of Taiwan, after initial employment of military forces to crush the Han-Chinese resistance, the Colonial Authority then gained control of land through the establishment of sugar-making industry, and eventually massacred Aboriginal tribes which owned the resources of camphor forest. Camphor and sugar-making were the two “exemplary” Japanese colonial industries in Taiwan, the strategic moves of Japanese colonization were 1)Military aggression; 2)Controlling the raw material and enslavement of labor force; 3)Exporting products through Japanese trade networks to benefit the colonizing Empire.
For the preparation of an all-out war in the Pacific, Japanese Colonial Authority planned to transform Taiwan into a military-industrial complex from 1935, thus establishing human and material base for primary industries in Taiwan, processing rubber and tin from the Japanese colonies in South-Eastern Pacific into military-rated products to support the Japanese war-machine. What the Japanese militarist-colonial regime established in Taiwan was nothing but colonial-predacious industrial base; Taiwan’s civilian-oriented industry for domestic consumption has been a Post-War development. The theory of “laying the foundation of modern industry in Taiwan” is not just a fact-twisting fabrication; the motive behind “Industrialization of Taiwan” from the very beginning was to serve the Imperial Japan’s militarist aggression and colonial interests.

受盡日軍迫害的台灣原住民族 怎麼能當日本人

我們帶來了很多歷史相片,這些相片是日本軍隊攻打我原住民族部落,以大炮機槍殺光我們的勇士、燒光我們的部落、搶光我們的糧食的真實記錄。這些相片,是日本軍隊的隨軍寫真班所拍攝,製成「征討畫冊」後呈送日本軍部表功,戰後,這些資料流入民間,日軍屠殺我原住民族的罪行終於重現天日,「征討畫冊」變成「戰犯罪行証據」。 受盡日軍廹害的台灣原住民族,絕不會是日本人。

Taiwan Aboriginal, Brutalized by Japanese Military, Were Once Japanese?
We present many historical photographs, images truthfully recording Japanese armed forces attacking our tribes, bombarding and machine-gunning our brave warriors, incinerating our houses, robbing our food. These photographs were taken by Japanese military photographers, and were published as an “Illustrated History of Expedition for the Punishment of Barbarians” by the Japanese military propaganda. These materials fell into civilian possession after the War, revealing atrocities against Taiwan Aboriginal conducted by the Japanese military. The “Illustrated History of Expedition for the Punishment of Barbarians” is indeed a shocking evidence of war atrocities. Taiwan Aboriginal brutalized by Japanese military ARE DEFINITELY NOT Japanese.

被迫去當炮灰的高砂義勇隊 絕不是日本人


“Takasago Volunteers” WERE Japanese CANNON FODDERS! NOT Japanese Nationals!
Japanese Colonial Authority devised the “Barbarian Children Special Education Program” for the Taiwan Aboriginal from 1907. Numerous “Barbarian Children Schools” were established to conduct Japanese language training with indoctrination of Japanese Shintoism. Instructors at the “Schools” were actually local Japanese Policemen. The Policemen indoctrinated “Barbarian Children” from their early age, and organized teenagers into “Youth Corps” and “Young Adult Corps,” thus Japanese Police held absolute authority in the Aboriginal Homelands. When the Japanese military organized “Takasago Volunteers” during March 1942 as replacements for frontline attritions, the Police Directorate of Japanese Governor Office in Taiwan issued draft orders to regional “Barbarian Management Offices” throughout Taiwan, in effect assigning local policemen as draft officers. The Aboriginal draftees, though known as “Volunteers,” were, in fact, specifically “handpicked” by the local Japanese Police. The Aboriginal “Volunteers” were “glorified” by Shintoist ceremonies; the Shintoist indoctrination of “fighting for the Japanese Empire is a noble deed, and sacrificing in combat is the highest honour to the Volunteers’ families” was all-encompassing. The so-called “Takasago Volunteers” were anything BUT volunteers! They were nothing BUT forcibly sacrificed CANNON FODDERS for Imperial Japanese colonialism!


日本據台51年,在這段期間,在台灣的日本人適用的法律是「日本國內法」,而一般的台灣人適用的法律是「台灣總督府殖民地法」,但是,台灣原住民族卻沒有適用的法律,而歸管理山林資源的「理蕃課」管理。基本上,日本殖民政權並不將台灣原住民族當成「人」來看待。東京「靖國神社」的人員曾經拒絕我們「高砂義勇隊犧牲者除名」的要求,當時他們說:「根據我們的神道信仰,這些 犧牲者都已成為天上的神,沒有人可以決定將他們除名。」


Our Ancestors Shall Never Be Japanese Dieties

During the 51-year Japanese colonization of Taiwan, the Japanese in Taiwan was subjected to Japanese domestic laws, but Taiwanese was discriminatively subjected to the colonial laws of Taiwan governor palace. However, Taiwanese Aboriginal, without “applicable” legal status, were considered as “mountain resources” and, accordingly, were “managed” by “Barbarian Management Offices.” In essence, Japanese Colonial Authority never treated Taiwanese Aboriginal as “human beings.” The Yasukuni Shrine once rejected our demand to “de-enshrine the Takasoga Volunteers” on the excuse that “according to Japanese Shintoist belief, those volunteers already became deities, therefore no one could claim their de-enshrinement!”
We must pronounce that Taiwanese Aboriginal have NEVER been Japanese! Our culture renunciates war! We are the true Cvilized People! We must re-iterate: Our ancestors have been imprisoned in the Yasukumi Shrine as unresting souls! This is our suffering, and we shall come to Japan again and again to liberate our ancestral souls through action!

Chinatide Association

電話:2735-9558 傳真:2735-9035
xiachao@giga.net.tw http://www.xiachao.org.tw
